I got into slashers and horror properly around 2020, after years of fluctuating between "scaredy cat" and "ooh this is cool." I had just watched the original Halloween for the nth time, and something about Michael Myers just...did something to me. From that moment, I knew it had changed me, even before joining the fandom proper.

I first joined the fandom officially on Tumblr, looking for fanart and fic of Michael Myers, and getting a feel for the fandom vibe. Before too long, Freddy Krueger had joined Michael in my heart, and many others followed. I, of course, ended up writing and posting fic too (again, beginning with Micahel) in early 2021, on AO3. Eventually, I made a sideblog just for slashers and horror in late 2021, and I've been having fun with it ever since.

However, my love for slashers couldn't stay contained on Tumblr, and I knew I needed another way to share my horror-love. In summer of 2022, I decided to merge my love of slashers with my nostalgia of the "old web", and created this website. It's been fun so far!

I hope you like it here!